We're b.e.st Visual Identity
What we do
b.e.st helps you be you. We help you to project a brand image that reflects the unique identity of your organization, products and services. We help you identify any disconnect between your visual and organizational identities—and close the gap to capture greater market share
What we believe in
An intelligent audience for intelligent products, services and organizations.
There are those who believe that casting the widest net is the way to gain the most customers. We do not. Trying to be everything to everyone is the surest way to please no one. Instead, we believe that a well chosen positioning—expressed clearly in messaging and visuals, and communicated with consistency—is the key to building a strong brand.
Who we are
barton e stabler Creative Director
peter burger Lead Copywriter
carol lynn rivera Project Manager
What drives us
Good work for good clients. And good food. The client—you are brave and act on the strength of your convictions. Your work isn’t about your ego, it’s about your brand and your business, which you love and want to see appreciated by your customers and by us. And the work—it’s based on clear objectives tied to a solid business plan and strategy, with well-crafted messages and visual language to convey it.
Hitting the mark with your brand is an awesome feeling. Having a client say, "I can't believe how great this looks"—and knowing that it’s going to do great things for your business.
... is serious business. And good creative decisions are good business decisions. No design stunts or ego tripping, but creativity for maximum impact.
Even when an idea is phenomenal, execution counts. Good design can mask fuzzy thinking, but then that isn't our idea of quality, and that is not how we use our superpowers.
Why you should work with b.e.st
Pixels friendly
In the world of design, beauty is pixel-deep. Building clean images, elements, and pages is like finding the right pair of glasses. We get the prescription right.
We like to share
We always want to do work we’re proud of and show it off. Life’s too short to do it any other way.
We think you’re unique
Your business is a unique combination of market, message, and intention. It better be, or neither of us stands a chance of success.